Scoops & Features

Introduces The Yomiuri Shimbun’s scoops and large serial features.
The Yomiuri Shimbun has gotten innumerable scoops and has presented problems to the public. This section introduces reporting based on scoops we’ve received.
Series of Scoops Related to The Olympics Corruption Incident (2022)
We reported in the July 20, 2022, morning edition that the special investigation squad of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office was investigating the existence of dealings involving unreported money between the former director of the Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games and AOKI Holdings , a major menswear company that was sponsoring the Games. On August 17 of the same year, the investigative squad arrested the former director on changes of taking bribes. We successively reported how the former director held vested interests concerning the Olympics, how AOKI engaged in the bribery and why the committee could not stop the former director. The reporting team received a fiscal 2022 Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors Association Prize.

Series of Scoops on Arranging Overseas Organ Sales (2022-23)
It was reported in our morning edition on August 7, 2022, that a payment of $15,000 (equivalent to approx. \2.00 million at the time) was made through a concerned party to a Ukrainian woman for providing a kidney via living doner kidney transplant in Kyrgyz Republic in Central Asia, intermediated by a nonprofit organization.
The reporting team obtained nearly 10 hours of audio and video recordings, including those of meetings between the NPO and the coordinator. We dispatched reporters to the Kyrgyz Republic and collected information on the hospital where the transplant surgery took place and the hotel where the Japanese person was staying. We acquired a statement from the Ukrainian donor who said she planned to use the money to fund her daughter's schooling.
As a result of the reporting, the Metropolitan Police Department exposed the NPO allegedly violating the law against organ transplants (unauthorized arrangements) and launched measures to eliminate the lack of donors in Japan. The reporting team was awarded a fiscal 2023 Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors Association Prize.

For a brief history of The Yomiuri Shimbun’s reporting, see here.
HistoryLarge Serial Features
The Yomiuri Shimbun carries various large serial features.
An Unbalanced Diet of Information; Biased Cognition (2023)
With the spread of the internet and the development of social media sites, we live in an age of overabundant information. If in the digital space you come into contact with only the information you are interested in, it creates a cognitive bias and one's thinking becomes one-sided. Based on this recognition of the problem, we ran a serial feature starting in February 2023 titled "An Unbalanced Diet of Information; Biased Cognition."
The attention economy, in which outlets battle for people's attention, the filter bubble, in which people are surrounded by only information they are interested in, and the echo chamber, in which biased views are amplified--We reported on the negative aspects of digital and found examples here and abroad of young people losing their physical and mental health due to biased information, the creation of societal division and democracy being threatened.
As the internet develops and becomes inundated with dubious information, The Yomiuri Shimbun will continue to report the truth.

Direction of The World Order (2023)
The world is becoming more turbulent with such things like the opposition between China and the United States and the Ukraine invasion by Russia. The post-cold-war structure is collapsing and the order led by the United States is shaking substantially. Countries are divided into democratic nations, autocratic nations and countries wavering in between. With these global oppositions and divisions continuing, what becomes of the global order? How should Japan construct a strategy? We are running a major series of articles reporting in a multifaced way on the direction of the world is heading.

Advocacy Reporting
Through the visualization of Japan's future
Ever since we proposed a constitutional amendment in November 1994, we have made proposals on various topics related to the future vison of Japan such as security, administrative reform, economic policies, education, tax system and medical care.