Business & Operations
The Yomiuri Shimbun has for many years engaged in activities for the benefit of society. We have built up a track record in a range of areas, such as the promotion of sports and culture and the enhancement of education, healthcare and welfare. We also support the advancement of many different fields by presenting awards to outstanding programs and holding a variety of competitions. Read on to learn more about our initiatives.

The Yomiuri Shimbun helps to convey the magnificence of sports by sponsoring professional sports teams and tournaments as well as presenting awards to athletes and other relevant people who have made outstanding achievements in sports.

We have developed a variety of baseball programs, the foremost being the Yomiuri Giants professional baseball team.

Hakone Ekiden
Hakone Ekidenopen_in_new
The Tokyo-Hakone Intercollegiate Ekiden Relay Race (Hakone Ekiden) is a relay marathon contested by university teams, held in January every year. The race is run over two days from Otemachi, Tokyo, to Ashinoko Lake in Hakone and back.

All Japan University Women's Ekiden
All Japan University Women's Ekidenopen_in_new
All Japan University Women’s Ekiden is held in autumn every year to decide Japan’s best female collegiate ekiden team.

JFA National Team Partner
JFA National Team Partner
The Yomiuri Shimbun has concluded a partnership agreement with the Japan Football Association (JFA), under which it provides support for Japan’s men’s and women’s national teams at all age levels, among other activities.

JFA U-12 Japan Football Championships
JFA U-12 Japan Football Championshipsopen_in_new
The U-12 football championships have produced numerous national team and J-League players.

Inter High School Sports Festival
Inter High School Sports Festivalopen_in_new
The Inter High School Sports Festival, affectionately known as “Inter-high” and “Koko Sotai,” is the largest general sports championships for high school students.
Culture & Entertainment
The Yomiuri Shimbun is engaged in a wide range of cultural programs. We contribute to the promotion and revitalization of Japan’s culture by sponsoring official go and shogi tournaments, sponsoring exhibitions and running various competitions.

Ryuosen, Japan’s foremost shogi championship, is hosted by The Yomiuri Shimbun.

Kiseisen, Japan’s foremost go championship, is hosted by The Yomiuri Shimbun.

Japan Grand Prix International Orchid and Flower Show
Japan Grand Prix International Orchid and Flower Showopen_in_new
One of the world’s largest festivals of orchids features exhibits, contests and orchid sales.

Yomiuri Shohoten Calligrafy Exhibition
Yomiuri Shohoten Calligrafy Exhibitionopen_in_new
The Yomiuri Shohoten Calligrafy Exhibition, one of Japan’s largest exhibitions of calligraphy open for public submissions, is geared toward traditional calligraphy rooted in classical literature. Winning entries are selected in four categories – Kanji (Chinese characters), Kana (Japanese syllabary), Tenkoku (seal engraving), and Chowatai, which is mixed writing of kanji and kana.

Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra
Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestraopen_in_new
Affectionately known by the nickname “Yomikyo,” the Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra is a representative orchestra of Japan that has been dedicated to promote the culture of music.

Yomiuri Photo Grand Prix
Yomiuri Photo Grand Prixopen_in_new
The Yomiuri Photo Grand Prix is a competition open to all lovers of photography, whether professional or amateur.
Leveraging our knowledge and insights as a newspaper company and our network that spans the whole of Japan, we are taking on the challenge of new initiatives, including partnerships with other industries.

BRAND STUDIOopen_in_new
With the strengths of the Yomiuri Shimbun Group as its foundation, YOMIURI BRAND STUDIO seeks to solve the problems of companies and society.

YOMIURI X-SOLUTIONS provides data marketing across the three categories of mass media, namely newspapers, publishing and television.

Retail Ad Consortium is a group of companies that seeks the optimization of newspaper insert and internet advertising.

marie claire
marie claireopen_in_new
A high-end lifestyle magazine for independent women, published in 30 countries worldwide. It is included as an insert with the morning edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun in some areas of Japan’s major cities on the last Thursday of every month. Click here for the digital version.

yomiuri ONE is a customer data platform (CDP) that holds data on the attributes of “Yomiuri ID” owned by the Yomiuri Shimbun Tokyo headquarters, as well as visitor traffic records of the sites operated by the various Yomiuri Shimbun Group companies and estimated data attributes of third-party information.

idea market
idea marketopen_in_new
A purchase-based crowd-funding website operated by The Yomiuri Shimbun.
Other programs and businesses in which The Yomiuri Shimbun is involved.

Filming Location Provision
Filming Location Provision
The Yomiuri Shimbun Tokyo headquarters provides a variety of indoor and outdoor facilities as a filming location for movies, TV dramas, commercials and other productions.

Waizu Club
Waizu Clubopen_in_new
A membership organization operated by The Yomiuri Shimbun, Osaka, for people aged 50 and over. Members can enjoy a variety of cultural and sporting activities and take part in volunteer activities.

Yomiuri Travel Service
Yomiuri Travel Serviceopen_in_new
Yomiuri Travel Service is a general travel company that arranges a wide variety of domestic and overseas travel, from day-trip bus tours to Antarctic cruises.