Group Companies

Below is a list of major companies and organizations in the Yomiuri Shimbun Group.
Under the Yomiuri Shimbun Holdings
Name | Summary |
Yomiuri Giantsopen_in_new | Manages a professional baseball team, runs youth baseball clinics, plans and sells merchandise related to the Yomiuri Giants |
Chuokoron-Shinshaopen_in_new | Publishes and sells Chuokoron, Fujinkoron, new books, paperback editions, books in individual volumes, and anthologies, etc. |
Yomiurilandopen_in_new | Operates an amusement park, golf courses, onsen facilities and facilities for horseracing, etc. |
Under The Yomiuri Shimbun
Newspapers and Publishing
Name | Summary |
The Hochi Shimbunopen_in_new | Publishes and sells The Hochi Shimbun (The Sports Hochi) and publishes magazines, including Monthly Giants |
Fukushima Minyu Shimbunopen_in_new | Publishes and sells The Fukushima Minyu Shimbun as well as engages in publication business |
Ryoko Yomiuri Publicationopen_in_new | Publishes the monthly Ryoko Yomiuri; also publishes special supplements, magazines, and books |
Name | Summary |
Yomiuri Print Mediaopen_in_new | Prints The Yomiuri Shimbun; prints also on contract for the government, corporations and organizations |
Aomori Yomiuri Print Mediaopen_in_new | Prints The Yomiuri Shimbun and local newspapers, etc. |
Minatoopen_in_new | Operates printing plants (Kiba Plant, Tsurumi Plant) of The Yomiuri Shimbun |
Name | Summary |
Yomiuri Joho Kaihatsuopen_in_new | Promotes sales of The Yomiuri Shimbun, sells communications, and plans and administers various events |
Yomiuri ISopen_in_new | Various promotional activities centered on advertising leaflets inserted in newspapers and marketing analysis |
Yomiuri Heart Serviceopen_in_new | Collection of subscription fees on behalf of The Yomiuri Shimbun via automatic bank transfer or convenience store payment; and management of the Yomisapo office that provides various support to Yomiuri Shimbun readers |
Yomiuri Computeropen_in_new | Development, maintenance and sales of software for The Yomiuri Shimbun-related companies and Yomiuri Centers' information management systems |
Name | Summary |
Yomiuri Agencyopen_in_new | Overall advertising services for newspapers, television, radio, magazines and the internet |
Yomiuri Adcenteropen_in_new | Entire production process of newspaper ad pages on contract and productions of graphic and web designs |
Leisure, Services and Real Estate
Name | Summary |
Yomiuri Travel Serviceopen_in_new | Planning and administration of domestic and overseas travel, and sales of JR tickets, airline tickets, boat tickets, etc. |
Yomiuri Golfopen_in_new | Operates a golf club with a long tradition in Hyogo Prefecture |
Yomiuri Plusopen_in_new | Layouting and proofreading of newspaper pages, payroll calculations, sales of Yomiuri-related merchandise on contract |
Yomiuri Fudousanopen_in_new | Management of Yomiuri Shimbun buildings and plants, construction and renovations of YCs, and real estate brokerage and renovation |
Yomiuri System Technologyopen_in_new | Technical support for Yomiuri Shimbun Group operations, system development, website construction |
Education & Culture
Name | Summary |
Yomiuri Institute of Technologyopen_in_new | Manages the Yomiuri College of Tokyo and Yomiuri College of Car Mechanic |
Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestraopen_in_new | One of the three major orchestras representing Japan |
Yomiuri Nippon TV Culture Centeropen_in_new | Operates the lifetime learning center Yomiuri Culture Center near train stations around the Tokyo metropolitan area |
Yomiuri Research Organizationopen_in_new | Holds seminars, panels, symposiums, etc. with famous lecturers and specialist journalists |
Name | Summary |
Yomiuri Light and Humanity Associationopen_in_new | Aids welfare promotion for children and people with disabilities, and operates an eye bank and nursing homes for the elderly |
Shouriki Welfare Foundationopen_in_new | Supports and aids cancer patients and their families, patient support organizations, and medical institutions |
Yomiuri Kenko Hoken Kumiai (health insurance association)open_in_new | Manges a health insurance association |
Name | Summary |
Yomiuri Logisticsopen_in_new | Provide transportation service by making use of the Yomiuri Shimbun Group's transportation network and with company-owned trucks |
Under The Yomiuri Shimbun, Osaka
Name | Summary |
Yomiuri osaka printmediaopen_in_new | Printing of various newspapers, including The Yomiuri Shimbun and The Hochi Shimbun (Sports Hochi) |
Name | Summary |
Yomiuri Johokaihatsu Osakaopen_in_new | Promotes sales of newspapers, intermediates YC supplies, etc., issues lifestyle information papers |
Yomisenopen_in_new | Advertising agency centering on adverting inserts |
Name | Summary |
Yomiuri Rengo Advertising Agencyopen_in_new | Kansai-based comprehensive advertising agency that handles a variety of media across the country |
Yomiuri Agency Osakaopen_in_new | Comprehensive advertising sesrvices |
Service, Culture, Education
Name | Summary |
Osaka Yomiuri Serviceopen_in_new | Layouting and proofreading newspapers pages, organizing and managing cultural classes and courses, video production and design tasks |
Name | Summary |
Osaka Yomiuri Kenko Hoken Kumiai (health insurance association)open_in_new | Health insurance association business |
Under The Yomiuri Shimbun, Seibu
Name | Summary |
The Sports Hochi Seibuopen_in_new | Publishes and sells Sports Hochi in the Kyushu and Yamaguchi areas |
Name | Summary |
Yomiuri Seibu ISopen_in_new | Advertising agency services for advertising inserts, other general advertising agency services |
Name | Summary |
Yomiuri Advertising Seibuopen_in_new | Comprehensive advertising sesrvices |
Name | Summary |
Yomiuri Seibu Serviceopen_in_new | Editing, proofreading and production of newspaper pages on contract, as well as staffing service |
TV Stations and Others
Name | Summary |
Nippon Television Holdingsopen_in_new | Certified broadcasting holding company that owns the Nippon Television Network Corp. and the BS Nippon Corp. |
Yomiuri Telecasting Corporationopen_in_new | Television broadcasting, program planning and production, hosting events, etc. |
BS Nippon Corporationopen_in_new | Nippon Television Network's BS digital broadcasting station. Broadcasts "Shinso News," a television program produced in collaboration with The Yomiuri Shimbun |
CS Nippon Corporationopen_in_new | Nippon Television Network's CS digital broadcasting station. Broadcasts programs on "SKY PerfecTV!, a multi-channel broadcasting service |