Since its inaugural issue in November 1874, The Yomiuri Shimbun, which celebrates 150 years in 2024, has recorded and delivered to our readers turbulent times and the people living in them.
With prompt and accurate news reporting, we have not only responded to people’s right to know, but also reported innumerable scoops realized through conscientious newsgathering. We reported on Daigo Fukuryu Maru ship crew's exposure to radiation from the nuclear fallout from hydrogen bomb testing, an incident that showed the horrors of nuclear weapons. And, on the underside of a global sporting event, we reported on the corruption of the Olympics, uncovering how money exchanged hands inappropriately. Our special reports disseminated widely both at home and abroad are too numerous to mention. As a media organization, we make responsible arguments in our editorials that stand up to scrutiny 30 years later. We have also focused on making proposals in a variety of fields, such as the three proposals to amend the Constitution as well as on national security, administrative reform, the tax system, education and medicine.
In addition, we have contributed to society through a wide variety of projects that enrich people’s lives, including sports, culture and entertainment. Through sports events such as the Yomiuri Giants’ professional baseball games, the Tokyo-Hakone Intercollegiate Ekiden Relay Race that marks the 100th anniversary in 2024, exhibitions and concerts that offer access to global masterpieces and invaluable cultural goods, we delivered to people astonishment and delight. In recent years, we are also focused on protecting Japanese traditional beauty and culture to pass them down to the future.
With the spread of social media, there is an abundance of information on the internet mixed with falsehoods. The problem has become even more serious with the rise of generative AI, making it even more imporatnt for media outlets to deliver accurate information. The Yomiuri Shimbun will fulfill its mission as a fair and accurate news and media outlet and will continue the challenge of surviving during this period of change in order to continue to be a trusted source of information into the future.